My name is Patrycja Gawlińska and this blog is written to help you change your life through yoga practice.
- Teacher Training Course and Mudra and Pranayama Course, BNS Iyengar, Mysore, Inida, 2006/2007
- Buddhist Meditation Course, Root Institute, Bodh Gaya, India, 2011
- Self Transformation Program, Sadhana Mandir Ashram, Dr Ganesh, Rishikesh, India, 2011
- 10 – day retreat focused on yoga, meditation and purification techniques in the tradition of Swami Satyananda, Skandinavian Yoga and Meditation School, Bergen, Norway, 2012
- Tantra Hatha Yoga with Jonatan Saar, Tiruvannamalai, India, 2012
- Individual practice with Dr Ganasan in Sadhana Mandir Ashram, Rishikiesh, India, 2012
- Path of Fire and Light, Sadhana Mandir Ashram z Dr Ganasan Rishikesh, Indie, 20113.
- 11 dniowe odosobnienie medytacyjne prowadzone przez Bhante Sujato. Niemcy, 2013.
- A seminar on Advaita Vedanta and Bhagawadgita with James Swartz, Tiruvannamalai, India, 2012
Actually, I don’t know why I came to my first yoga class, but I don’t believe in coincidences – I believe in purposeful chains of events. At the time, I was living in Cracow. Yoga school of Apolonia Rdzanek (one of the first Sivananda Yoga teachers in Poland) was located a long way from my home. I didn’t feel like going to my first class but I had already signed up for one month beginners’ course and, I guess that I just preferred to overcome my reluctance than to call them and resign.
After few classes I signed for the next course. After a month I started developing my self practice and in about two months the practice bacame an important part of the day and I already knew that one day I would lead my own classes.
And so it happened. I started to teach in 2005.
During first years of my practice I participated in various yoga workshops, events and courses (with teachers like Maty Ezraty, Corinne Biria, Vijay [Dharamsala], Sheshadri [Mysore]). I constantly searched but couldn’t find the practice that would suit me best.
In 2006 I participated in yoga workshop with Radek Rychlik and… ashtanga vinyasa yoga became my idee fixe for the next few years.
At the end of 2006 I went to India for the first time. I spend there 3,5 months – two months in Mysore – the cradle of dynamic yoga, where I practiced in Parakala Matt under the watchful eye of BNS Iyengar.
I came back to Poland inspired and full of energy.
I started to work with profesor Janusz Szopa – for two semesters I led yoga classes for students of Academy of Physical Education in Katowice.
In 2008 I returned to India seeking inspiration.
In 2009 I found the only place in Poland where Vnyasa Krama method was taught – Maciej Wielobób Workshop. I changed my practice and my teaching. I started to combine Ashtanga Vinyasa with Vinyasa Krama. This forms of yoga go along well because of their focus on ujjayi breath and the concept of vinyasa.
However even then I understood yoga mainly as practice of asana and breath techniques.
My third trip to India helped me to reach next milestone in my yoga practice and my perception of what I was doing.
Retreat in Sadhana Mandir Ashram had huge impact on my practice, rediscovering of myself and yoga as well as techniques much different than asana practice. It’s there, in the ashram that I found my guide on the path of yoga. I still study with him.
Nowadays, I don’t feel a dissonance between that what I do, what I know and what I call Yoga. My practice harmonizes with me and my perception of the World.
I believe that ujjayi breath is the foundation of the practice. I use it in asana (vinyasa) practice as well as in concentration and meditation. I share with my students what I find best and most valuable. I share my experience, knowledge and skills.
I run group and individual classes for people of different skills. I train yoga teachers.
I was vegetarion for several years and since 2011 I’m vegan.
For you
This page was designed for those of you, who are interested in yoga, for whom two – three classes a week are not enough, who seek, who want to deepen their knowledge about yoga and who seek in yoga classes something more than just practice of asana. The page i salso designed for those who – for various reasons – can’t take classes but want to practice and for those of you who want to practice at home with yogini.
I share my knowledge and experience with you.
You’ll find here articles and clips on asanas, pranayama, yoga philosophy and other yoga related techniques.
In articles I’ll write about history, philosophy and goals of yoga.
I will share with you my thoughts and reflections on yoga and approach to life.
I expect you’ll practice, I’m waiting for any suggestions and questions on yoga. Share your own experience and thoughts.
I want to inspire you, to be your guide. I hope you’ll be my biggest inspiration.
Let’s practice together.